Регистрация: 22.08.16
Страны, города: 1 / 1
Отзывов: 1
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Читательский охват: 554
Фото: 4
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3 читателя
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Отдыхал С семьей в
августе 2016
01.08.16 - 22.08.16
- Не рекомендую отель


4 размещение

2 сервис

3 питание

Претензия - не влияет на рейтинг

Huge disappointment

To make a long story shot

What was good:

- nature

- swimming-pool

- sea

What was bad:

- during 10 days the room was cleaned 3 times(so we had to throw out the trash by ourselves)

- all towels darned

- 'clean' towels - are already dirty(see photos)

- a chair covered with spots. no desire even to sit on it

- glasses or cups or plates - dirty! you have to to find a clean one in a clean stack

- dirty poof was in a filthy state for at least 3 days, in a place where lady plays the piano and the children play, relax and dance, all guests passed that way for lunch every day at least twice a day. no one bothered just to hide it somewhere(see photos)

- unobtrusive service at meal time? No, I never heard of. Even if you were able to relax and enjoy your meal, then comes a huge trolley of dirty dishes and the waiter with a crash starts to collect the dishes from the near tables, something constantly falls down and it's all pretty disgusting

- shower on the beach is broken, for 10 days it was never repaired. watering can simply lie on top

Is it 5 stars service??

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Добавлено 22.08.16 15:25 (1 081 символов в тексте)
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