Регистрация: 11.06.19
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Отдыхала С друзьями в
мае 2019
28.05.19 - 07.06.19
- Рекомендую отель


5 размещение

5 сервис

5 питание

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Animation Team is so professional and amazing!!!!

I would like to start my review from the point about this hotel that I consider to be the most exclusive and important – and that’s definitely its Animation Team!!!!

Dear Animation Team, namely Mido (chief of animation), Diego, Kris, Smiley, Pikachu, Momo, Leo, Kimo, Max and others, thank you so much!!!! You are making guests of the hotel so happy by creating such an amazing friendly atmosphere. These professional guys are doing such a great job providing you with so many activities to keep you engaged and feel special. In the morning you can enjoy gymnastics at the sea coast, later join aqua aerobics and dance with the animation team several dances, in the afternoon you are welcome to dance Zumba, train Step aerobics, participate in ping pong tournament, play volleyball or football, in the evening you will be surprised by the professional level of the ShowTime program created by this team (Light Show, Irish Dance Show, Strong Man Show, Live Music and others) – so many activities and such a friendly treatment!!!! Many-Many thanks to the Animation Team!!! Guys, you are awesome!!!

Location of the hotel is beautiful with sea overview. Rooms are big, nice and clean. Room service works perfectly. Variety of food in the restaurant is great, everything tastes perfect. Hotel and bars staff are friendly and nice.

To sum it up, I would definitely recommend this amazing hotel. You will have an unforgettable stay here and would definitely want to come here again.

Плюсы отеля
Animation location beautiful sea food service
Добавлено 11.06.19 14:59 (1 497 символов в тексте)
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