Регистрация: 28.10.18
Страны, города: 1 / 1
Отзывов: 1
Комментариев: 0
Читательский охват: 232
Фото: 1
Отдыхал Деловая поездка - один в
октябре 2018
01.10.18 - 28.10.18
- Рекомендую отель


5 размещение

5 сервис

5 питание

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Good afternoon! I Matviichuk Natalia lived in the number of A728 in a period from 15.10.2018 - 28.10.2018 left sunglasses of Vogue a color is white !!! Please find them... to you in a hotel guests will arrive from the city of Irkutsk ( Russia) 08.11.2018 they them will take!!! away Please give to know there were they or no???? Thank you!!! I Will wait the answer!!of гапишите for the post of 602828@bk.ru

Фото туриста отеля


Добавлено 28.10.18 16:44 (406 символов в тексте)

19:42 28.10.18

Dear Guest,thank you for choosing Swandor Hotels & Resorts and for sharing your review with us! We highly appreciate your opinion and your feedback help us to improve service quality. We would like to inform you, that all our guest`s comments, wishes and remarks are analyzed by hotel management for revealing and resolving the deficiencies.
We are pleased to know that you have enjoyed your stay at our hotel and would like to thank you for your good comment and high rate marks. We will cooperate with our staff in order to find the sunglasses you've lost but we kindly ask you to wait some time in order to sort the things out. We will provide you with our feedback as soon as it is possible to the e-mail you've indicated in your review.
The main goal of Swandor Family is to improve the quality of service and to achieve it`s excellence. We are looking forward to welcome you back in Swandor Hotels & Resorts!
Best Regards,
Guest Relation Team of Swandor Hotel & Resort - Cam Ranh.

00:40 06.11.18

Молодец !

11:47 15.01.19

Наталья , Иркутск , может это шутка или , как сейчас говорят , прикол ? Я о вашей просьбе на английском ??!!!

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